Hello George here, every year at the allout challenge we make sure to celebrate Christmas and have each player bring a gift to exchange with one another. last years' allout christmas party was a musical exchange theme. Can you guess to which song?
You guessed it...PSY Gangam style!!
So as the music began, we kept passing the present around from row to row. "Come on hurry up where is the next present? Hey I don't want that present. It doesn't look it a good one. Pass it along fast!"
So these guys were all in the way in the back passing their gifts to each other, looks like everything is smooth......
WOW! 79 students all in a single room can get a bit crazy.
Coach Sakai is yelling, "Hey people over there have more than 1 present in their hands. You need to pass the presents around!"
Finally, the presents are in each persons hand! We are happy!
Check out the gifts we got. Peace!
So its time to open up all the gifts! "Hey what did you get? Can I see? Show me?"
So this is what we are going to do this year ↓↓↓
Try not to bring these items as gifts. It is very hot in Thailand and will spoil.
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